Race 1 - Day 25
Crew Diary - Race 1 Day 25: Liverpool to Punta del Este
14 September

David Walwin
David Walwin
Team Dare To Lead
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Having dropped Jerry Stokes and Sco (Andy Schofield) off on paradise island, leaving them in the capable hands of the speedo wearing Brazilian coastguard, we now push on to Punta del Este. This is essentially maintaining a course of 220 for the foreseeable future – which in the current wind, is a daily, ongoing, relentless beat to windward.

We are therefore living out our daily routines at an angle of 45 degrees. It is hard to explain the reality of this to anyone who has not experienced it. In essence, it means that everything you do involves fighting against gravity and takes at least 3 times as long as you expect. Even the simplest of tasks such as passing a cup or washing up is a major undertaking with risks. Using the heads (toilets) should not be taken on lightly and really is a case of psyching yourself up for the challenge before going for it – you might want to allow 45 minutes...with one thing and another.

Of course, it's not just the angle of the boat that's an issue. Beating into the wind through variable sea states means we also pitch and role with varying degrees of severity. Sometimes unexpectedly launching off a wave before the boat goes into free-fall for an agonising 1...2...3...seconds before slamming back to the surface of the water. This action creates temporary weightlessness for any object or person not tied/ held down. My Mother Watch yesterday was a particular challenge in that respect, with pots pans and plates inclined to jump from one side of the boat to the other.

Some say this drama can be reduced by skilful helming and we are really lucky to have some high-quality drivers on board, particularly from my Starboard Watch – Carl Palmer, Justin Heiner, Ernst-Jan Bultje and Neil Harvey are doing an amazing job. Ernst however, has a moderate case of Dutch Helm Disease which we are hoping is not contagious.

Onward to Punta, Dark Horses!

Brought to you by Dave

IMAGE BELOW: Neil Harvey tidies the pit at 45 degrees