Race 2 - Day 13
Crew Diary - Race 2 Day 13: Punta del Este to Cape Town
17 October

Mike Probert
Mike Probert
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Greetings to all family, friends, supporters and loved ones following HotelPlanner.com.

Whilst this Leg 2 has been a whirlwind sprint across the South Atlantic from one continent to another, I and fellow crew mates are now counting down the days, hours and watch shifts left before our arrival in Cape Town. I suspect this will be the case during the final few days of every leg, no matter how long or short as we begin to think of the treats awaiting us and reflect on the dramas we have endured.

For me I can't wait to see my other half Suzie who is travelling, like me, from one continent to another but in a far more sensible manner utilising modern transport options like aeroplanes, trains, taxis, even bicycles – what was I thinking! I'm also really looking forward to having a shower, putting on some fresh clothes, eating at a table with a china plate and with a knife and fork, drinking beer and wine from a proper glass. Sleeping in a real bed with clean sheets rather than in a coffin like bunk which is mostly angled to make you think that you might fall out at any moment. Using a toilet with a seat and a flush handle rather than having to pump out for about 2 minutes. Being dry rather than constantly damp caused by either sweat or salt water. Being able to walk around without feeling like at any moment you could crash into something. Not having to wake up in the middle of the night and put on cold wet clothes in order to go on deck (quite probably during a storm or gale) to fulfil my crewing duties...what was I thinking!

However...I recall my first 'interview' with the Clipper Race where it was commented that the harder and more difficult the voyage, the more rewarding would be the experience. At the time I thought that was absurd. No, I wanted a nice and easy sight seeing cruise without dramas, that would suit me down to the ground. I now reflect on that discussion and do begin, ever so slightly, to think that my interviewer was probably right!

In this leg we have had to endure quite a few dramas whilst experiencing some exceptionally strong winds and difficult conditions. But we managed the situations, looked after each other, avoided any injuries and as a group, I think we do feel better off for enduring those experiences. We expect Leg 3 to be harder still, but in a funny way I am already beginning to look forward to that next challenge - though not before enjoying a well earned, fantastic time in Cape Town! 'How long to go now?'