We have now passed Tory Island and have started our upwind leg. What a wild beautiful place it looked, another island on the ‘to visit list’ but will it ever happen?

We have now started on an up wind course. The breeze was nice and fresh to start off with but now is easing. We have had a course change, our previous course was going to take us through some live firing, so in order not to be fired upon we are just going around Rockall then down to another island, I thought maybe Labour Island but no, Rathlin Island.

It’s a very grey and bleak looking morning right now and we have run out of butter, it’s a sad sad day that has dawned. It’s impossible to have Vegemite on toast without butter. The decision I have to make now, what do I have on my toast?

As you can guess there is not much going on, we are counting down the hours till we get to Derry and toast with butter on it.

Cheers, Wendo