Race 12 - Day 7
Crew Diary - Race 12 Day 7
18 June

Peter Sawyer
Peter Sawyer
Team Bekezela
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Hey World,

So, here I am - 39 days after we left Seattle - somewhere amongst the Caribbean Islands. Such a tease as we can smell land, five-spice, and (of course) rum punch.

Panama was a welcome stop over, and I was looking forward to the Panama City Beach Hotel as a treat for the changing conditions of the last race. Never have I had to deal with such intense heat. Even if I took my spinning classes into my hot-pod yoga class (please don't think I’m fit), I don’t think it would compare to life below deck (and I don’t mean Captain Lee or Sandy kind of below deck). This is more like a scene from The Great Escape with Steve McQueen back in the bunker with his softball but… with an intense shaking movement!!

So, back to Panama…

I was excited to jump in an Uber and ask for the Panama City Beach Hotel only to find that I had booked a hotel in Panama City, Florida, USA! What a Wally. Hopefully booking.com will be kind.

Tired and in need of a body jet wash - The W, Panama is highly recommended.

This race is about highs and lows and (although we were motoring tied to two of our buddy yachts) the Panama Canal was more interesting than any school trip I ever went on. I will definitely look at the history again when I return to the UK.

So, the countdown to Washington has begun. It’s 10 June and we are making great progress. We just turned left into the Atlantic proper, so compass course 000 is an easy one to remember. We are ETA - 19 June.

It’s0411, I just made three loaves of bread and the crew are happy - they know my bread is good (Paul Hollywood would shake my hand).

This Clipper Race adventure has been so much harder than I could ever have imagined for so many reasons, that really can’t be experienced unless you try it.

Endurance, Perseverance, Resilience.

Would I do it again?

Hell no.

Would I recommend it?

That depends. Who’s asking?

Roll on summer!

Oh, and about the Ducks… I got rumbled. That was me, and I had to come clean. The hunt is still on for the last 40 or so, with a trophy buried somewhere under Port Bunk four.

I'm looking forward to DC and being reunited with loved ones and some amazing and supportive friends. Also, good food, very, very cold wine, and crispy dips.

Clipper Race, it’s been a blast.

Peter Pan xx