Race 12 - Day 9
Crew Diary - Race 12 Day 9
18 June

Carrie Fitzsimons
Carrie Fitzsimons
Team Bekezela
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Reflections on a Clipper Race Birthday at sea.

All of my birthdays have been spent with friends and family at home for a barbeque, or perhaps at a restaurant and always involving chocolate cake. This year, however, my birthday was spent at sea on Leg 7 somewhere along the coast of Costa Rica near Papagaya, with my Bekezela Clipper Race Crew. I wasn’t sure if anyone would know it was my birthday. I got a clue, however, when Megan mentioned cake.

On cue in the morning, a round of Happy Birthday to you came when I entered the galley. And then, again when I went on deck. And again, when I came out of the head. And again, at dinner, and in three languages. Never have I ever had so many rousing rounds sung to me. It was fun.

I wore my special daisy sunglasses and my Canada headband. We ate orange cake with very British orange marmalade. Many kind words on a card will be a memento.

This crew is a great bunch of adventurous folk, who are daring and hard-working. They are also supportive and thoughtful. It was a great way to spend a birthday in good company. Next year, I will ask my friends and family to sing Happy Birthday many times. And there will be cake. Perhaps chocolate? Perhaps orange marmalade. Who knows?