Race 10 - Day 16
Crew Diary - Nathan Hadfield Day 16- Spooky Update
04 April

Nathan Hadfield
Nathan Hadfield
Team Dare To Lead
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Spooky update:

Greetings again from all here on board Dare To Lead where we have some developing news on my last diary about the paranormal visitor who haunts our crossing. At first it’s presence was solely located to the stinky, damp and cramped confines of the lazarette but we have also observed the same phenomenon of lights turning on at random times and without any possible human interaction in the sail locker, the aft head, the galley and the companionway. Such inexplicable goings on have caused us to give more thought as to the cause behind all of this and we have arrived at a possible theory.

For those following the Dare To Lead supporters pages or are friends on the socials with any of the crew, then you may be aware that at the restart of the race we adopted a new boat mascot; Njord the Norse god of wind and waves. However, back in the pre-Covid times of 2019 and early 2020, the boat had already adopted a plastic, purple, squeaking pig with wings called Loretta that would hang across the A-frame at the back of the boat between the helm.

So, could it be that a titanic battle for mascot supremacy is underway between an ancient deity and a flying porker with the unusual electrical activity being signals of that struggle? It’s a highly plausible scenario I think you’ll agree.

On a personal level, I never really knew Loretta so I am rooting very much for a Njord victory as soon as possible because we really need his boon to help speed up our progress to Seattle which currently looks like it will be taking us a few days longer than we initially planned for.

Come on Njord!