Race 13 - Day 2
Crew Diary - Race 13 Day 2
29 June

Olwami Zungu
Olwami Zungu
Team Dare To Lead
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Somewhere in the ocean.

4 days into the race

One of the calmest Race Starts, with barely any wind at the Le Mans Start. I was really looking forward to a competitive start just to get an edge on the other boat but that thought went out the window when we reached the four-minute mark. As the engine switched off, the boats immediately stopped moving.

We went hours into the race, a very calming sea state allowed me to settle into the motion so should I say. Every good moment on the boat sank back into me at this point, making it very easy for me to get back to it.

Today I had a friendly gesture from my skipper and AQP that I try helming. Mind you, the last time I only did it for 15 minutes since I really did not fancy it and I preferred doing more bow work than helming.

Today felt different nothing in me was saying no, as much as I pretended to not want to. A minute later found myself at the back of the boat, behind the helmsman.

In a glimpse felt myself taking control of this big 70-foot yacht at which I feel empowered and a sense of accomplishment. I believe us as people we limit ourselves to what we think of ourselves and as simple as it would be to change the way we think, we find ourselves circling back to habits whether good or bad just to make us feel comfortable. But success does not lie in the hands of those comfortable but those who are willing to get out of it.

And today, I did get out of my comfort zone and did it. I really enjoy it now, to think at every moment we are not doing any bow work, let me be at the back of the boat with chocolate chip cookies, a speaker for music, and me in control of this big 70-foot Yacht.

Life is not to be controlled but enjoyed. Things we can take control of let them be a mechanism driving us to success which should inevitably lead to our happiness as we are just visitors to this world so who are we to stress about factors we cannot control when we can take control of these little ones and feel a sense of fulfillment.

Let me leave it here and get back to my helming. Till later. XXX. <3