Race 13 - Day 8
Crew Diary - Race 13 Day 8
09 July

Daniel Cox
Daniel Cox
Team Dare To Lead
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Coming onto the late night watches, we have become accustomed during the last week to amazing evenings of racing under the stars. I’ve never seen the night sky in an immersive 3D perspective - it’s strange to see so much depth in what often feels a flat surface. In between sail trimming, we’ve got to see the full beauty of the Milky Way, countless meteors and satellites whizzing across the sky.

However, last night’s watch was a contrast. I was ‘helm assist’ - supporting our AQP, Charlie, as he took Dare To Lead speeding up to 20kt in pitch black conditions without a moon nor stars for guidance in the torrential rain. Charlie’s awesome feel for the helm appeared intuitive as he dealt with big swells and kept us going in the right direction as we speedily surfed down waves and kept our spinnaker kite flying. For me, it was certainly a greater adrenaline rush than any roller coaster!

Fingers crossed these Atlantic weather systems move as forecast over the next few days and looking forward to seeing Dare To Lead supporters in Oban.