Race 13 - Day 15
Crew Diary - Crew Diary: Race 13 Day 15
10 July

Daniel Cox
Daniel Cox
Team Dare To Lead
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In search of polar bears

Instead of taking a SKIRR expedition to the Artic Circle, an alternative could be to take the Dare To Lead excursion to the land where the sun never sets!

You may possibly be looking at Race Viewer and wondering why we are going so far north right now.

In the Northern Hemisphere, high pressure systems have winds circulating clockwise and low pressure anticlockwise.

To take best advantage of this, we’re aiming to head over the ‘top’ of a high-pressure system and get good wind through the Ocean Sprint and on into Oban.

So, whilst we’ve seen a lot of sea life, and have been closer to Greenland and Iceland than Scotland…hopefully, we won’t find any polar bears!

Sending my love to Katie, Amelie and Tabitha
