Race 10 - Day 9
Crew Diary - Gillian Donald 28 March 2022
28 March

Gillian Donald
Gillian Donald
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Cafe 45 is up and running! Currently staffed by Norfolk (Nick) and Bristol (Rod) who have been producing the most mouthwatering aromas from the galley. Today’s plat du jour was an Imogen favourite, Cowboy Casserole (no actual cowboys included) and Nick’s special touch resulted in requests for seconds all round for the off-coming watch. The wind is getting distinctly cooler and we were getting chilly by the end of this afternoon’s watch. Cowboy Casserole was just what was needed!

Sailor types will realise that Cafe 45 refers to Imogen’s angle of tilt, we’re currently sailing upwind and will be for the next couple of days. Winds around 20-25kts and moderate seas present challenges above and below deck. Not least in the production of the daily cake which we eat on one of our overnight watches. The angle of heel on the oven usually results in a wedge shaped cake…

Tonight’s cake o’clock on our watch is likely to be 0030 or thereabouts - fancy joining us?

Gill Donald