Race 12 - Day 8
Crew Diary - Race 7 Day 8
15 June

Janice Baker
Janice Baker
Team Perseverance
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I have possibly only four days left onboard before we reach Washington, D.C., then my Clipper Race journey will be over. This has been a tough race. We have sailed hard and given our best.... but I never want to hear the word windhole again. Mother Nature is unforgiving and unpredictable. My last farewell to my crew of Perseverance was in Punta del Este in October. I was really sad to leave them, but knew I would be returning for Leg 7. My time back home was spent glued to Race Viewer, including on the tube journey to work, during work, after work, in the middle of the night, and during a vet appointment with my dog Ellie when she went for her toenails trimmed. It was hard to answer the questions from supporters at home, 'Why is your boat slower/faster?', 'Why are you going West when everyone else is going East?'. Unless you've been there it's hard to explain. It's just not that simple and all the factors that make wind can sometimes do the exact opposite of what the forecast says. There is an element of luck too. Leg 7 started cold, much colder than I expected and we had a few days of serious wind and spicy seas. After a week it got warmer and then extremely hot.. and then the wind stopped... completely. Nothing. We tried multiple sail changes per watch, sitting on the low side, even if that meant in full sun. Anything to get the boat moving. Those days were relentless, but we filled them with storytelling, hosepipe parties, murder mystery games, and a lot of lemonade. With these hot evenings brought regular visits from dolphins, often completely surrounding the boat. These visits never failed to have the whole crew hanging over the side like children.

So, as I start to prepare myself for going back home, I've spent a lot of time thinking of what I will take away with me. I can say that I have become a better sailor, that I have become more tolerant, patient and accepting of myself. I have more appreciation for all the little things that are so easy to take for granted. I am lucky to have met some amazing people and I have loved my time on Perseverance - bilges and all! So thank you to Ineke and Joss and all my fellow crewmates, for the adventure, belly laughs, and continuous banter, but most of all for acts of kindness. Kindness is the one quality we all possess, and it's been given to me in bucket loads. To all of you who have given me a hug, encouraging words, or just a look... without you, it would not have been the same. I love you guys!

Our ambassadors have humbled me beyond words with their zest for life, boundless happy optimism, and a sense of fun in everything they do. They remind me of how lucky I am. Thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me over the last 4 years, I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you.

And especially to my mum who is and always has been my number one fan. Ali, Belle, and Harry, you have put up with constant Clipper Race related stories and have never shown anything but keen enthusiasm!! You guys have inspired me to keep pushing through when things get tough. I look forward to spending lots of time with Lucy my granddaughter whose photograph has been in the nav station the whole way around the world. A big kiss to Faye who due to watching this Clipper 2023-24 Race has decided she wants to circumnavigate... she is 8 years old! Here's to us all having a chance to chase our dreams.

Jan xxx