Race 11 - Day 18
Crew Diary - Race 11 Day 18
29 May

Mark Hagan
Mark Hagan
Team PSP Logistics
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As we pass through 90 degrees west latitude, we will be three quarters of the way around the world. Roughly four weeks ago we crossed the International Date Line – and now Race 11 is quickly coming to an end.

Still the natural environment amazes me, sunsets and sunrises are incredible – the epicures do not do them justice. Yesterday, we saw another waterspout – an awesome feature, especially since it was far enough away not to be a threat.

The wildlife has also been plentiful as we make our way south. Orcas, pilot whales and dolphins have made regular appearances – and now we have a group of seven plus boobies relaxing on the bow.

Though the thing we have begun to appreciate even more as the legs pass by are the people. Especially the leggers who bring a new energy and revitalise both me and the other round the worlders. Each PSP Logistics group has been ready from the moment they arrived, both helping get the boat ready as well as being up to speed on the evolutions and of course knots. I believe that is why PSP Logistics always starts each race so well.

The new friendships that I will take away from this experience will eventually exceed the race itself. Until then, and as Alex Martin mentioned, “enjoy every moment while you can.” So tonight,I will be standing at the shrouds with the wind at my face (hopefully), enjoying the stars and waves while I can.

On, on, PSP!