Race 12 - Day 1
Crew Diary - Race 12 Day 1
07 June

Gerry Schooler
Gerry Schooler
Team Yacht Club Punta del Este
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As we ready ourselves for the start of the Race to Washington, DC, I can't help but think, as an American, of the history tied to this city, this region. I lived in Baltimore, a45-minute drive north, for 11 years and consider it my second home. As I embarked on my new career as a flight attendant in August 2001, I felt the reverberations of 9/11 first hand. Fast forward to 2008 and another history-making event in our great nation, as I attended Obama's Inauguration! A step forward certainly, followed by years of ups and downs, as we continue to explore what it is to be American...and a part of the great American experiment.

I've been humbled taking part in the Clipper Race...very much so, as it stretched me in ways I thought not possible...especially at this stage in my life. As with anything, it more often than not, comes back to the people in your life. I've met so many remarkable individuals on this journey...I will be forever changed! Listening to all the different languages/dialects alone is a world-opening experience. When Marc, Cleo, and Stephane are carrying on a conversation in their native French, I can't help but feel I'm home, making dinner in the kitchen, and it happens there's a French independent film on in the background. The representation on our team alone is literally from around the world. Many Latin countries including Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Columbia, Uruguay, Argentina, but also the Netherlands, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Canada...on and on. And that's not taking into consideration those met during my training weeks!

The Moments: This has been a challenging experience, but there have always been the moments that bring you out of those hard times. There out here happening around you at any given time.

First light...I'm not naturally a morning person, but my favourite watch has become 4 am to 8 am...my favourite time on the deck. Just this morning as I helmed, I spied a whale off in the distance. Seven or eight spouts followed by the shine in the light of the hump going for a deep dive.

Countless sunrises/sunsets...everything in HD! And of course, the time we rescued a fisherman off the coast of Costa Rica in a microburst with gusting 50 knot winds. Just dumb luck our paths crossed...we couldn't see 100 yards! And then suddenly, there he was, waving at us...with his dog. Just crazy.

The Race...I'm the only American team member on Yacht Club Punta del Este this Leg. I'll be finishing my Clipper Race experience, as we make the push to DC and hopefully finish on the podium. We are a small team of 13 in this race, and it brings to mind a quote: "'Discipline' is the soul of an Army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all." George Washington...first President of The United States of America.

Gerry Schooler/Yacht Club Punta Del Este