Race 11 - Day 13
Crew Diary - ​The most amazing night ever!
12 May

Julie Linsdell
Julie Linsdell
Team Zhuhai
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The most amazing night ever!

I started this race having never really helmed, during training there were always 'helm hoggers' and I was happy to let it go. Patrick and James have been amazing, guiding me through the process to where I am now helming on every watch except the 2300 - 0300 one. I decided to bite the bullet on an absolutely perfect starry night and wow, what can I say.

I checked the compass every now and again but mainly steered by keeping two stars within the forestays and running backstays. I felt for the swell of the ocean and the roll of the boat and eventually had to be pulled away from the helm. Apparently, the smile on my face remained for the rest of the watch.

At night, your thoughts stay with you and wander in all directions, steering this 70 foot boat through the Pacific got me thinking about travelling. We all travel but do we really travel? We may walk or cycle from home, drive to a destination in a car or more often than not take a plane. But do we experience the travel of getting to a new destination? Sailing provides that.

I don't come from a boating or even water background, in fact I only signed up as I was petrified of deep water and boats. This trip has made me appreciate the other side of our planet, the part that isn't land. We plan trips by picking countries or cities but how often do we think about the oceans that we cross to get there and what is hidden within their depths? To me it's the forgotten part of our planet and I'm now a convert. I just need to persuade my daughter to try sailing!!

PS - Most of us are now on deck in shorts and tee shirts!!