Crew recruitment roadshow heads to New York
Back to archiveThe Clipper Race is a truly unique challenge - the only ocean race in the world for non-professional sailors where chief executives work equally alongside taxi drivers of all ages and nationalities.
There are 34 Americans taking part in this year’s race and one of them is 37 year-old teacher Tasha Hacker from Hunter, New York. Tasha took part in Leg 1 from London, UK to France and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Leg 3 from Cape Town, South Africa to Albany, West Australia. As the fleet enjoys its visit to the city that never sleeps, Clipper Race circumnavigator and Crew Recruitment and Development Director David Cusworth will be holding presentations for adventurous souls like Tasha looking to take part in the race at the language school where she teaches on 36th street.
Tasha says: “My husband Ryan and I run a language and teacher training school in New York and live on a 34-foot boat. We knew nothing about sailing when we bought it and now regularly cruise and sail the coast. I first heard about the Clipper Race in 2010 when the 2009-10 edition of the race visited the city and we took our little sailboat out to join the blessing of the fleet ceremony on the waterfront in New York Harbour.
“Last year Ryan nonchalantly mentioned that he'd applied to do the race. I was a little shocked, considering we had been talking about sailing our boat to the Caribbean, but we hadn't talked about racing. It sounded like something he'd love and I was pretty sure this was not the sort of thing I would get into. But then the more I thought about it, and the more I imagined waving Ryan off from shore as he set off on an amazing adventure without me, the more jealous I got - I wanted to do it, too!
“Being at the helm, surfing down waves as big as buildings at speeds of 30 knots was the most thrilling thing I've ever done - in this race or in my life. It felt like a huge responsibility and it was also a huge thrill. It also gave me an immense sense of confidence because I had helmed enough by this point that I knew the feel of the boat, and I knew how to read its signals - I knew what I was doing, and that made me feel like I could sail anything, do anything.
“Whatever happens, you will surprise yourself - you will find you are capable of things you never knew you were capable of. It's amazing to learn that about yourself.”
Tasha adds: “Clipper Race Crew Recruitment Manager David Cusworth recruited me in New York back in 2012. I have a great relationship with my fellow crew, Clipper Race staff and when I heard David was presenting an event in my home city I offered for it to be held at my school. The Clipper Race is one big family that you will always be a part of.”
David will give a presentation about what it is like to take part, and will answer questions on all aspects of the race and life at sea. If you want to find out more about this unique challenge, learn about the leadership lessons, inter-personal challenges and are inspired to take part in the race, email David at: [email protected]
Tasha is also a Freelance Writer and regularly updates her blog page Turf to Surf, which includes captivating accounts of her Clipper Race experience.
The crew presentation for anyone interested in signing up as crew in the Clipper 2015-16 Race will be held on Friday 6 June between 1800-2000 at Teaching House, (226 West 26th St, 9th Floor, NY 10001).
There is also the chance to get up close and personal to the fleet of Clipper 70 yachts during the race’s stay in New York.
Free of charge open boats are available the following times:
3 June at Liberty Landing between 1600-2000
5 June at North Cove Marina between 1800-2000