The Clipper Race Office has been closely monitoring the predicted weather on the Race 14 course and there is an easing wind from midnight onwards. This would impede the progress of the fleet ahead of the Grand Finale event in Portsmouth on 27 July.

It has become very obvious that there is a need to shorten the course for Race 14 and cancel the Final Sprint which was planned for from 1000 on Saturday 27 July. Therefore, the Clipper Race Committee has announced that the best option is to apply a time limit on racing. Race 14 will now officially end at 1800 UTC (1900 LT) today (Friday 26 July 2024).

This decision ensures the fleet is racing for as long as possible before the predicted decrease in wind and maintains the integrity of Race 14 and considers the full fleet and each teams’ progress.

The teams have been asked to send in their exact positions to the Race Office at 1800 UTC (1900 LT) and respective measurements will be taken from their exact position to Mark No. 14 Virtual Mark South-East Wight in position 50°34.000N, 001°08.000W.

All measurements will be calculated by the Clipper Race Director using TimeZero software for consistency.

Race 14 finishing positions will be awarded based on the shortest measured distances to Mark No. 14 Virtual Mark South-East Wight.

Each team will take a photograph clearly showing their GPS position and the time in UTC for verification.

Please note that after 1800 UTC (1900 LT) teams will have all officially ceased racing and can make best speed by any means to Bembridge Ledge, east of the Isle of Wight where they will rendezvous for tomorrow’s proceedings.

There will be no Final Sprint before entering Portsmouth and therefore, Race 14 is officially the last points scoring stage of the Clipper 2023-24 Race. Overall finishing positions will be based on these results and communicated to the teams as soon as possible after verification. Each team will receive a call from the Clipper Race Office to confirm their placings in Race 14 and overall in the Clipper 2023-24 Race.

Instead of the published Final Sprint on 27 July, teams will now do a full Parade of Sail from Bembridge Ledge starting at 1100 LT and will parade to the original Sprint Finish Line off Southsea Castle. This parade will be in order of the overall standings for the Clipper 2023-24 Race. A second fleet parade into Portsmouth’s Gunwharf Quays will run from 1250-1320 LT as publicised.

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