And just like that...

326 days, 40,000nm, six oceans and six continents later... Race 14, and the Clipper 2023-24 Race is complete. What an incredible eleven months.

Here's what our Skippers and AQP's had to say from the Finish Line...

Second placed Perseverance Skipper, Ineke van der Weijden, said: "This was easily the most intense race I have done as part of the Clipper Race. Until the finish it was nail biting. We came close to an overall victory, but in the end came third on Race 14, and second overall, with Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam as a well deserved first. A huge congrats to Bob and the team.

"Emotions on board ran high the whole day, not only because of the racing, but also the realisation that we truly circumnavigated and are now back where we started eleven months ago, and all that is now left to do is integrate back into our normal life. But first, celebrations in Portsmouth tomorrow. From what we hear it will be quite the spectacle and we are all looking forward to it."

Image: Perseverance team at the start of Race 14

Third place Zhuhai Skipper, James Finney, said: "Well that was close! Huge congratulations to everyone across the fleet who have completed their clipper race. I have to say again just how privileged and lucky I have been to led a team like this around the world. Everyone who has been a part of this circumnavigation has played their role in bringing this boat, and each other in safely, and in third overall - that is just such a huge achievement! I hope everyone feels as proud as I do in the final result, and will look back on their time on board Zhuhai as fondly as I will. Thank you all again for what has been a truly awesome year!

"All the best, James"

Image: Zhuhai team takes third place overall

In fourth place, UNICEF AQP, Laura Hampton said: "What a phenomenal end. 45,000 miles, 14 races and six continents later, we pull a first place out the bag. Could not think of a better way to finish our circumnavigation!"

Image: UNICEF team at the start of Race 14 in Oban

In a joint message, Sixth place Qingdao Skipper, Philip Quinn and AQP Henry Hallatt said: "Hello Qingers, well folks that's it done. We have finished the last race of the Clipper 2023-24 Round the World Yacht Race. While our result wasn't what we had hoped for, the time on board has been fantastic, sailing with some great people and seeing them grow in confidence and ability and making new friends along the way. No other boat I'd rather have done this on.

"A big shout to Henry who has been the best I could have hoped for in a mate.

"I'd like to thank our previous skippers, Greg, Dale, Geronimo and AQP Steve for their time on board and bringing the crew to a good place.

"See you in Portsmouth!"

Image: Leg 8 Qingdao team as it departed Oban

Seventh place, Our Isles and Oceans Skipper, Max Rivers said: "What an amazing feeling, bringing this whole journey to an end. The crew celebrated with a rousing chorus of Abba and a well deserved mac and cheese and cake with chocolate. What a fitting end, a beautiful sun set over the English Channel. This is the culmination of so much hard work that has been put in by so many people, it has been a pleasure to sail with them all and there is no other crew I would have wished to have.

"It has passed as a blur, and it feels like only yesterday that we were leaving the Solent on our way out to Cadiz. We are all looking forward to Prizegiving tomorrow and reuniting with family and friends. It is going to be an emotional day, but one we will never forget."

Image: Leg 8 crew on Our Isles and Oceans

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