Leg 3 Penalty Points
21 January 2020
The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed after the Leg 3.
Leg 3 was a 4,760 nautical mile race from Cape Town, South Africa to Fremantle, Western Australia. Given the heavy weather conditions experienced on Leg 3 and the sheer distance and duration of this challenging race, the fleet has done a really fantastic job of looking after its sails and equipment and the teams have been congratulated for excellent seamanship.
The penalty points for Sail Repairs and Equipment Damage and Losses have now been finalised and are as below :-
Sail Repairs
As per the Sailing Instructions, two penalty points will be awarded to the relevant yacht when the running total of sail repair and replacement costs exceeds £500 and a further two penalty points will be awarded for every subsequent £500 for the duration of the Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race. This applies to all sails and is cumulative.
After examining the level of sail damage and repairs needed at the conclusion of Leg 3, the Clipper Race Committee has issued penalty points to:
Seattle: 2 penalty points for exceeding the £500 barrier on sail repairs (Code 2 repair, Code 3 repair and Mainsail repair in Fremantle).
Equipment Damage and Losses
As per the Sailing Instructions, one penalty point will be issued when the running total for equipment damage exceeds £500, with a further one penalty point to be issued for every subsequent £500 on the running total.
Following Leg 3, Equipment Damage and Losses Penalty Points have been issued to:
Qingdao: 1 Penalty point for exceeding the £500 barrier on equipment damage (Antal Hook 16 lost overboard on Race 4)
All teams have been informed of this update by the Race Director Mark Light
To see the full overall standings, please see the Race Viewer on the Clipper Race website
A full explanation of penalty points can be found in our Sailing Instructions and FAQ section (under ‘The Race’, subsection: ‘When and why are Penalty Points applied?’).
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