We have a split in the fleet.

As the light winds off the Irish coast are replaced by the low pressure's southerly breeze, the first tactical options of Race 14 have presented themselves.

With the wind now on the bow, the Perseverance team was the first to make a move, tacking over onto starboard towards the southeast. In a move more typical of short course racing their closest rival Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam covered their move tacking onto the same heading just half a mile ahead. Zhuhai meanwhile remained on a port tack and continued its south westerly heading. Our guess is Zhuhai is gambling with a more offshore course in the hope of finding a better and faster wind angle to get round Ireland. It is going to be exciting to see how this one unfolds, as both Zhuhai and Perseverance have to finish ahead of Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam by some margin to stand any chance of taking the overall win.

Keep in mind there is still a short sprint race from the Isle of Wight to Portsmouth on Saturday morning where points are still up for grabs for the first three boats over the line. Depending how Race 14 ends this entire 40, 000 nautical mile race around the planet could come down to the last few miles back where it all began eleven months ago.

Elsewhere in the fleet UNICEF continues to dominate, although its lead has been halved since yesterday. It’s battle for fourth is looking good for now with fifth placed Dare to Lead 23 miles behind in tenth. And Our Isles and Oceans' defence of seventh is looking good with rivals Yacht Club Punta del Este currently in last position, ten miles adrift of the Scottish boat.

The breeze is forecast to shift to the west later today and the teams may then all be able to set a direct course for Land’s End and enjoy some fun reaching conditions for a day or so.

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