Unicef in Brazil: providing access to sport for children with disabilities
16 September 2015
During Leg 1: The Trade Winds to Brazil, Clipper Race crew members are taking on their first major ocean crossing, the Atlantic, spending more than three weeks at sea before South America appears over the horizon. Eventually teams will arrive in Brazil, one of the many countries Official Race Charity Unicef works in to keep children safe.
Children with disabilities are one of the most excluded groups in Brazil and tend to participate far less in school activities than other students. Every child and young person has the right to play sport, but the lack of appropriate facilities and qualified staff in Brazil means universal access to sport and physical activity is severely restricted.
The Open Doors for Inclusion project, set up by Unicef Brazil, includes a course for people who work in schools and the government to teach them about sport and inclusion. The course contains information about sport and education policies, different disabilities, information about disability and sport, as well as practical information about how to include children with disabilities into PE classes.
This is just one example of Unicef’s work for children across Latin America and the Caribbean. Your donation will help keep more children safe around the world.
Add your voice to help end violence against children
This year world leaders will agree new global goals that will guide the development of our planet for the next 15 years, and for the first time ever they’re likely to set a target to end violence against children everywhere.
No child should live in danger. We must do everything possible until every child is safe. Now is the time to act.
If you would like to show your support and join Unicef's campaign, please share this letter from child survivors of violence around the world.
Unicef works to keep children safe in 190 countries. It won’t stop until the world is a safe place for every child.
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