Update regarding Washington, DC team

28 June 2024

UPDATE 2000 UTC: After making contact with Washington, DC, the US Coastguard successfully lifted crew member Catherine Lister at around 1630 LT (2030 UTC) today and is now en route to a medical facility in Norfolk, Virginia.

A rescue swimmer boarded the vessel and both rescue swimmer and Catherine (in an immersion suit) entered the water and were picked up by the helicopter.

Washington, DC will now return to the point at which it turned on its engine and resume racing as soon as possible. At 1900 UTC the team was only 40nm due west of the fleet.

The Clipper Race team wishes Catherine a fast recovery and thanks Hannah and Ella for their professionalism whilst conducting a smooth and efficient medevac. The team also sends thanks to the US Coastguard for its support.


The Washington, DC team is heading to port due to a crew member requiring medical attention. Catherine Lister has sustained burns from a hot liquid and our remote medical provider MSOS has advised that she be taken to a medical facility for her injury to be assessed and treated.

Catherine is in good spirits, with her condition stable and she is being treated on board until able to disembark.

The Race Office has instructed Skipper Hannah Brewis to head to Norfolk, Virginia. At time of writing, the yacht is 210nm due east of Norfolk and weather conditions are favourable for a relatively fast passage back to Chesapeake Bay. The estimated time of arrival into Norfolk is approximately 1200 local time (1600 UTC) Saturday 29 June.

Updates will be provided on clipperroundtheworld.com

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