Hi All,

Race 13 from Washington, DC to Oban, Scotland got underway yesterday with another Le Mans Start due to the motoring needed out to a safe area for the start. Oban will be a Line Start outside which we all look forward to again as we haven't done one in a while.

Conditions for the first 48 hours especially the first 24 hours were expected to be variable and unexpected. Winds changed direction straight away at the start, fleet split in different directions using the small amount of current we had at the time plus the ever-changing winds. For the last six hours, we have been windholed so, very light winds drifting around. The boats ahead are just starting to make some better speeds slowly so, hopefully, we can get going soon and get ourselves into the Gulf Stream current which we are all aiming towards.

For some reason, we couldn't get the boat moving for the first 12 hours and find ourselves at the back now. It seems to be our tactics for the last couple of races, drop to the back of the fleet and then fight our way back.

We are all feeling good about this race and look forward to what lies ahead!

Bye for now,

Ryan, Charlie, and crew