Hi all,

Hope your working weeks back home are going well so far. For most of the crew life will return to a normal week consisting of a week and a weekend shortly. I've never worked a job that involved a week and then a weekend to look forward to, having been in the yachting industry with strange times and schedules for the past 14 years, it comes with the job, but I do look forward to spending weekends catching up with friends and family when we return to the UK later this month.

Life onboard is great, well, we could be 50 miles further ahead of where we are but sailing has been absolutely top notch (I'm starting to sound British, even been saying mate lately!). The weather has been stable and sunny conditions, nights full of stars and a moon directly in front of us to aim towards. Temperatures are nice, daily distances are fantastic and the new weather forecast shows a bit of a transition over the next 36 hours but then hopefully straight into another low-pressure system that could take us to the Ocean Sprint and closer to Scotland.

The good atmosphere and motivation is still present, even though it’s clear myself, Charlie and the round the world crew are tired now and looking forward to finishing in 3.5 weeks. With that said there is still a huge amount to lose or gain in the overall standings so we will keep pushing until we see the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth.

Just remembered South Africa is playing Ireland in a Rugby International next Saturday so the plan is to have the boat tied up by then, that's a guarantee!

Bye for now, Ryan, Charlie and crew