What does it mean to sail around the world? There could be many different definitions. Quite cleanly, we define it as setting off and arriving back from the same port after having sailed the whole way around the world, easy and clean.

However tonight for our round the worlders and all of them across the fleet it was a special night, as we crossed our own longitudinal line that we crossed in Punta Del Este, meaning that by a very simple definition our round the worlders have sailed every line of longitude and therefore sailed around the world. A remarkable feat and yet another milestone in their amazing journey. Congratulations to them and all other crew across the fleet completing this milestone this evening,

We recently have decided on board if you name something traditional then it must have come from tradition and therefore must be adhered to traditionally. Traditional CV21 Finish Line Cake, Traditional CV21 Scoring Gate Cake, Traditional CV21 Ocean Sprint Start or Finish Line Cake, so tonight we had the Traditional CV21 Round the Worlders Brownie: a tradition that everyone can get behind.

On deck chat: If you could go adventure sailing anywhere, where would it be?

On deck tunes: This is Skerryvore (A Scottish band we are hoping to see in Oban)

On deck snack: Traditional CV21 Round the Worlder Brownie, (everyone had some not just the RTWers)

Max and the slightly more RTW team of CV21