Looking back at the first blog, I was full of optimism at Race Start eleven months ago out of Portsmouth. Today, cruising up the English Channel, knowing that the Isle of Wight will be back in sight after all those miles and days at sea, I am still filled with this same optimism.

Everyone keeps asking how we are feeling, what emotions are going through our heads after sailing around the world. The answer: all of the emotions.

Pride: in myself and the team for what they have achieved.

Sadness: that the adventure is nearly over, and our beautifully weird little family will be going our own ways

Relief: That we have achieved what we set out to achieve and kept the team in mostly one piece.

Happiness: To be back with family and friends.

Honour: to be trusted with such an amazing crew and for them to have trust in me.

There are too many people to thank for making the journey what it has been.

To the Clipper Race Staff, thank you for believing in me, and giving us the opportunity to take part in this amazing race. Thank you for the support, both on email and in person in stopovers. You have allowed us to do this safely and knowing that we would have the required support when we needed it most.

For the supporters, thanks for putting up with our absences, thanks for allowing us to chase this crazy dream and following/visiting us around the world. Thank you for putting up with the stories we are going to spend the next years regaling you with, and the inevitable "that one time we sailed around the world/across that ocean.”

For the Race Crew, current and past, the largest thank you. You have created an atmosphere on board that has fostered the best possible culture. You have achieved everything I could have possibly hoped to achieve and so so so much more. We cried, laughed, loved and that was just all in one day. You have worked harder than I ever could have asked of you. You have got up without complaining (too much) for every sail change, you have kept the boat clean, you have cooked some quite outstanding meals and kept us all fed and hydrated, you have sailed an exemplary race whilst learning and teaching the whole way. You have been an inspiration, and I am delighted to call you all my crew and friends.

I will sail with any of you any time!

Please remember it is never goodbye, always see you soon on or off the water.

Max and the best crew in the fleet.