Here we are, the final day of the final race of the Clipper 2023-24 Race. A bit of a bittersweet feeling and somewhat surreal. For the past eight years, this race has in some form shaped my life and daily routine. Three race editions, 19 legs, over 100.000nm sailed, 22 different stopover ports, countless beers and hundreds of amazing people I have shared this extended adventure with. I could have never foreseen how much my life would change when I sent in that application form to be a crew member in 2015.

It has brought the highest highs and the lowest lows. There have been days of truly amazing sailing, tough sailing, fast and at (too many) times very slow sailing. Some of the highlights include helming kites under starry nights, luminescent dolphin shows, sailing through a hurricane, winning a first podium after 37 days at sea, being hired as a Skipper, completing my circumnavigation finally on this edition and achieving an overall podium with Perseverance.

Whatever happens over the next and final day of racing, when we left port 11 months ago, I never imagined we would find ourselves on that podium. I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved as a team. Not only the racing, but the camaraderie and fun we had along the way.

Being a Skipper is a tough job. Much tougher than I had imagined still. Despite being surrounded by people all the time, it can be quite lonely. But this amazing group of 64 people on Perseverance I have had the honour of sailing, adventuring (if that is not a word it should be), sightseeing, eating, singing, dancing, laughing and at times crying with have made it a year I will always cherish.

Finally, I would like to say a massive thank you to the other skippers I have had the luck of sailing with/ against this year. Ryan, Max, David, James, Nano, Greg, Dale, Jeronimo, Phill, Dan, Mike, Hannah, Josh and Bob thank you for one hell of a ride. I will miss our brunches. My wardrobe will be a lot duller without them.

Ineke Out