Hello Qingers!
Well, the days of fast downwind sailing are certainly behind us. There are a few bold tactics from different boats all hoping to navigate around this high pressure as fast as possible. It will be interesting to see whose tactics work best and who comes out on top.
We can tell we’re getting closer to the UK: the last few days have become noticeably colder and the sky greyer. Otherwise, the scenery has been nice with lots of small pods of dolphins and sea birds and even some orcas.
Now the wind is getting lighter and we’re sailing as close to the wind as possible, it’s a completely different kind of helming which requires a lot of concentration, and everyone is taking to it well.
Otherwise, life on board continues as normal, the galley is pumping out some good food and fresh bread every night and the watches get on with pushing each other and the boat as best we can.
Love to those at home,
Henry, Phil and the dragon riders