Hello qingers!

Well, what’s up folks? As you will probably have noticed we are in Stealth Mode so there will be no sailing talk.

So, with no sailing talk, what is there? Well, I don’t know if Henry mentioned but since I’ve spoken to you, we have had a pod of Orcas following along behind the boat for quite a while. Most of the crew have not seen an orca before and to see a pod surfing and jumping on the waves behind was quite something.

Being quite far north, the nights have become brighter and last night with some breaks in the clouds, we were in for a night where it never managed to actually get dark. I used to love sailing at this time of year, at night when the light never fully leaves the sky, and the vista is in black and white. Tonight, with the full cloud cover though it's not so nice. We have been lucky to avoid most of the rain showers we have seen pass today, so happy campers on deck.

The only sailing info I will give you is that we are pushing to keep the boat up to speed and the mood on board is good, though everyone is looking forward to the next stopover in Oban. I’ve heard haggis, fish and chips, Guinness and whiskey mentioned on more than one occasion.

I’ll leave it there and we can catch up in a few days.

Talk soon.

Love to those at home,

Phil, Henry and the dragon riders