Race 4 - Day 24
Skipper Report
11 December

Dan Bodey
Dan Bodey
Team Unicef
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It’s nice to be moving again after the seemingly obligatory end of race wind hole. We have had some lovely upwind sailing to remind us just what life at 45 degrees is like. After spending the majority of this race sailing downwind with a relatively flat boat, it’s a bit of a shock to the system. The sea is flat and the sky is clear, however another big change from the constantly grey skies and sizeable swell we had been living with. The sun always lifts the crews’ spirits. Suddenly they are no longer sheltering in the galley but are scrambling to get on deck and make the most of these final sunny days of the race. Concentration levels are high as we fight for 4th place with Bekezela who played a brilliant tactical move to make big gains while we bobbed around in the wind hole. This leg has provided constant close racing throughout. It’s incredible after 5000nm to still be battling for position with the rest of the fleet. In the galley, the cooks are getting creative with the meals making sure we use up all the supplies that we are not allowed to bring into Australia.

Dan, Laura and the UNICEF team