Good morning,

The days of 100% VMG and very fast boat speed are over for now. Since the last blog, the wind eased off and we had a slow 24hrs, although our perception of slow has altered after days of averaging 12, 13, 14kts, so we weren’t really going that slow. The wind has been gradually increasing throughout the afternoon and overnight, so we’re back under Code 2, gybing our way across the Atlantic Ocean.

What’s to come all looks a bit of a mess to be honest, every forecast shows a different outlook for the next few days, with highs and lows, and troughs and fronts shifting all over. We scour every forecast to try and decipher a plan, which quickly gets scuppered when the next forecast comes in totally different. What this does mean is that there’s plenty of opportunity for gains and losses up ahead, so it’s sure to be a gripping Race Viewer watch.

Life onboard continues as usual, with lots of joy and laughs being had. The leggers have come on with fresh motivation and drive that keeps us lot that have been doing this for quite some time on our toes.

On a much more interesting note, I made my first successful loaf of boat bread yesterday, and Hannah did some expert cake mixing today. Oh, and we passed the halfway point a couple of days ago.

The Washington, DC crew with their pro baker x sailor skip and mate.