Good morning,

Yesterday the wind finally backed allowing us to point where we want to go, so we are now making 100% VMG again and it now feels like we might actually make it to Oban before the 27th of July, whoo!

We had been sailing close to the wind under Yankee 1 for quite some days, which can get slightly tedious, so even the smallest of jobs can feel productive. Myself and the Spirits had quite a busy morning of easing out the sails as the wind veered even more, and then getting the windseeker on deck to scare the wind back (always works a treat) and the wind has just veered enough to allow us to hoist the Code 1. I’m sure the Wizards (renamed the Gannets due to their ability to scoff a loaf of bread and leftovers down so quickly) will be rather jealous when they get up for their next watch hearing all the excitement we’ve had.

Although the sailing may have left us twiddling our thumbs, the wildlife certainly hasn’t. Yesterday with the Gannets we had quite the morning of whale sightings. There were a few hours where almost every 5 minutes there were hails of a whale sighting, and a few panicked faces with one particularly close encounter. We’ve seen many sperm whales, two fin whales, orcas, and Jono reckoned a couple of northern bottlenose whales. We’ve also often had the pleasure of many dolphins coming to join us for a while. I have to thank Hannah’s Grannie for the whale book which makes many appearances and creates many debates after we’ve spotted a whale or dolphin.

With 300nm to go, the fleet is converging and we’re starting to see which tactics are looking to have paid off. We’re pushing hard to squeeze every bit of speed we can out of Lil Washy right until the Finish Line.

Ella, Hannah and the crew of Washington, DC.