Good morning,

As you’veprobably seenwe've had a very fast past 24hs. The wind and sea state has made for some lovely sailing conditions, whether that be under Code 3, Code 2 or Yankee. Speed records have been set and regularly broken and hourly averages have been through the roof. The joy on everyone’s faces as we surf down Atlantic rollers, right on the limit, is a wonderful sight.

There’s been some incredible sailing happening not only by our round the worlders, but also the leggers who have fit right in and are now experts in evolutions, and some have taken to helming very quickly. Watching the crew come together and work as a fluid and efficient team after such a short amount of time together is not only rewarding for myself and Hannah, but our hard work can be seen in our positioning amongst the fleet. We caught up with the back end of the fleet and have our sights set on the next few boats ahead.

What can’t go amiss is that, in 50nm of the time of writing we will cross the same longitude as Punta del Este (54W), meaning that our round the worlders will have officially circumnavigated the globe. What an achievement; Jono, Izzy, Bob, Liz, Olly, Vasi, and all the RTWers amongst our fleet. It truly is an amazing feat that these now sailors have achieved, leaving their normal lives behind to jump headfirst into the unknown for eleven months. To learn how to live and sail on a 70t boat to then be coaching others to do the same, to be pushed to their limits in some of the most extreme conditions, and to finish with smiles on their faces is an accomplishment not only they should be proud of but their supporters should also be.

Ella, Hannah and the very proud Washington, DC crew.