
So this is the final Skipper blog from CV30 aka Washington, DC aka Little Washy of the Clipper 2023-24 Race. I started this job 18 months ago and for nearly all of that time, it was difficult to ever imagine actually getting to the end. But now with nearly only 150nm to go, maybe it is finally starting to sink in.

To round the worlders of Washington, DC: what special people they are. We have shared the last eleven months together and quite frankly, I couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else. The skills are incredible, all becoming seasoned and expert sailors, sharing their knowledge with all new crew, and leading the team in amazing fashion. Thank you, Jono, Liz, Olly, Vasi, Izzy, Bob, Greg and Bill.

To all the other crew, whether you joined us for one leg or more, thank you for always bringing in the personalities, the fresh energy, and new ideas. I hope that your time on board gave you everything you wanted and more.

My AQPs. Cam and Ella. It has been a complete ball sailing with you both. Cam although it was sad to see you move, it has been great to see you thriving on Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam. I will never forget our nav station discos. In the place of Cam, Washy was gifted Ella: so cool calm and collected, and a fantastic sailor. Both of you I’m sure will go on to do great things and I look forward to sitting back and saying “They once were my First Mate.” Lots of love to you both.

Thank you to all the supporters who have followed us as we’ve sailed around the world. The constant words of encouragement over boat email and seeing your wonderful smiling faces when we hit the dock always amplify our sense of pride. I personally would like to thank my mum and dad who have pretty much gone through all the emotions with me and supported me the entire way. Love also to those in the Clipper Obsession WhatsApp group, I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride.

Last but not least, well done to every other Skipper, Mate, and crew who we have done this all with. Although this is a race, it is firstly a challenge, and sharing these miles with such wonderful boats has been amazing. Fellow skips, sailing against you has been a blast, meeting up in port to share stories over a cocktail or five has kept me grounded and always helped me through the trickier parts.

It’s been a crazy old time getting around the world. Ups downs lefts and rights, it feels like we’ve been through it all. The thrill of the ocean, the joy of the Equators, the cold north and south, the challenge of the weather, the thousand of sail changes, reefs in and out, the tacks, the gybes, and everything in between, the many many windholes, the 60+kts of wind, and all the amazing wildlife will forever be etched in our memories. We all have so many stories to tell and will be telling them for the rest of our lives.

The question you have for most of us who’ve sailed around the world is “What’s next” and the answer from most is "Who knows.” But until we figure that out, let’s rest and reflect on everything we’ve done whilst enjoying some truly well-deserved rest.

That’s all from me, thanks a bunch.

Hannah, Ella, and the Washington, DC Crew.