Hello Terricolas,

Soon we’ll be joining your world. I have to say I’m looking forward to it, and so is everyone on board. We love sailing, don't get me wrong, but after wobbling around for an entire day doing 1 knot of boat speed, you get frustrated. That’s what happened today, we absolutely parked to the north of Ireland. To make things worse, we thought there was going to be more wind near the Donegal Bay, and we couldn’t even make it close enough to get it. We could see the band of cumulus near the coast suggesting a convergence zone and sea breeze but it was too far away for us and as a result we lost five positions.

We had to try things as Our Isles And Oceans is in second and we need to beat them to get seventh place overall. All or nothing.

Apart from the slow frustrating racing, it’s been sunny and we’ve been sailing near amazing Irish cliffs, the crew is enjoying this last dance, the boat is impeccable, life is great.

We are now sailing upwind, again! And maybe for the last time in this race, I hope! The crew don’t love upwind sailing, especially those who suffer seasickness. I hope you are all enjoying your time without us over there, and resting in advance because from Saturday onwards we will be on land and we are planning to celebrate this circumnavigation.

Have a great day, keep sending good vibes and we will overtake!

Nano, Angus and the Punta Riders