Hello everybody, hope everything is going well where you are!

Well, not heaps to report here to be honest. We have been engulfed by the vast blue swathe that has been looming in the forecast. Now, we are going at what can only really be described as a bumble, in a direction that varies from us going to either France or Iceland and everywhere in between, as we try and make progress towards Oban.

The centre of the fleet is definitely compressing as we butt up against the edge of the wind hole and the boats on the wide flyers continue to make alarming progress at times. Fingers crossed there is just enough breeze where we are, sailing the shorter distance to keep us ahead.

Aside from that, morale is high despite the lack of breeze, food is excellent as always, we have enough snacks for another circumnavigation, and we are close-ish to our competitors. Also, we must be getting a little bit closer to Scotland because its raining...

All the best from the crew, Mike and myself!