Well hello there,

Hope you are doing well wherever you are! It’s blog time again and to be honest, despite this being the penultimate race and with much at stake in regard to the overall standings and us playing our joker and all, it has been really quite dull these past few days. We are still slowly moseying, sometimes dribbling. in the vague direction of Oban, the forecast seems to be doubling down on its effort to make us all late into the stopover as wind hole after wind hole litters the way in, and the wind direction seems to mostly be blowing from exactly where we are trying to get too. We are not in a terrible spot provided we can beat the large blue windless chasm that is opening up behind us, however it is increasingly looking like going to Oban via Reykjavik was the call.

Morale on board is still high, and we are still battling it out with our competitors down here, and the galley still makes food that is good!

So, we will keep muddling along here doing our best to get in in a reasonable fashion, least the talk of a course extension and the prospect of having to break that particularly joyous news to the crew isn't a problem anymore!

All the best from the crew, Mike and myself