Panoramic aerial view of the Bridge of The Americas over the Panama Canal Pacific Entrance. Sunset scene with a gentle mist in the background. The bridge is spanning two continents - two Americas.

Flamenco & Shelter Bay Marina

Panama Canal, Panama

01-05 June 2024
06 June 2024

The Panama Canal

The Clipper Race fleet will transit the Panama Canal which will be a highlight for the crew, especially the engineers among them.

The history of the Panama Canal goes back to almost the earliest explorers who saw its potential for international trade.

It took more than 400 years for the dream to be realised before it opened in 1914 after 23 years of work, but the feat of engineering is considered one of the largest and most successful projects ever undertaken in the world.

The Location

The Location

The Location

Join the Race

40,000nm. 5 Oceans. 1 Circumnavigation. See you on the start line.

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Transiting the Panama Canal