Race 13 - Day 13
Crew Diary - Crew Diary: Race 13 Day 13
13 July

Zina Kranck
Zina Kranck
Team Unicef
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We first met walking back to the wharf from Crew Allocation over a year ago. One's husband and the other's daughter recognised each other, and we, who had not met in the crowded team-meeting, ran over the busy street, hugged and asked "Best Friends Forever?" Both laughed, not entirely sure what the other was thinking, but hoping maybe this would be true..

We knew we were going to sail around the world together. Without words we thus knew we were going to sit endless nights and windless days on deck together, share storms, dolphins, whales, albatrosses, crew mates, oceans, tears, podiums, laughs, meals, bunks and stories about our lives. Already in those first words was a promise to look after each other and make sure we both make it back to Portsmouth on the, yet unannounced, UNICEF yacht.

Little did we know then how one stormy night we would run on deck in our underwear, finding ourselves on the high side of our distressed boat, watching pieces of our Code3 blowing out into the Southern Ocean darkness. And little did we know how the new sunrise would erase the devastation of losing a sail - even a race. Nor could we know for sure that we WOULD become good friends with many things in common, like reading-glasses, goodlooks and an exquisite good humor!! Little did we know then how we would open up and share very personal stories and dreams with each other, or that we've both lost a beloved sister way before their time. Little did we know!

Now, however, 11 months, 9000 photos, 254 sunsets, 45000 NM and 30 clock-changes later, we do know everything ;) We have met all our dolphins, albatrossesand crew mates, we have completed the circumnavigation and are making it back on the Big Blue Clipper Boat together.

Now, surely, we can high-five each other and mean it when we say "Best Friends Forever!"

Thank you, dear friend, for this round, looking forward to many more!

Sue Melly (UK) and

Zina Kranck (FIN)

Circumnavigators on CV28, UNICEF