Helping young people build sustainable livelihoods through the power of sport
The Scotland based organisation, debuts as a Team Partner for the Clipper 2023-24 Race, and is the only British entry for this race edition.
Founded and based in Scotland Our Isles and Oceans works with partners and organisations to achieve key objectives centred on helping young people build sustainable livelihoods through personal and professional development.
OIAO has already worked with Clipper Ventures to deliver two programmes in 2021 and 2022 to a huge success. For example, Dex Muldoon, a musician who sailed as part of the 2021 programme now works as a Professional Sailor and Instructor at Clipper Ventures.
For this edition there are six Our Isles and Oceans Ambassadors on board the team yacht:
- Danielle Grey
- Diorbhail Wentworth
- Elizabeth Balmer
- Frankie Townend
- Gee Jackson
- Gill Petrie
These individuals were selected by the Charity to have the adventure of a lifetime, and take a step into developing a new pathway in life.
All six women were selected on the basis of what they had accomplished during their training, what benefit they felt they had achieved and what they hoped to achieve following completion of a leg of the Clipper Race.”
The six women, from a range of different backgrounds, applied to take part in the OIAO sailing programme to gain practical experience with the ultimate aim of building self-confidence and self-esteem which, like many young people, was lost during the pandemic. Following the programme in Scotland, all six will go on to undertake the ultimate challenge of crossing the world’s oceans on board a 70ft racing yacht under the guidance of Scotland-born Race Skipper Max Rivers, and AQP Tom Newsom, who bring a wealth of experience, team-building expertise and a passion for developing others.
The Our Isles and Oceans mission statement is: ‘Youth Opportunity and Professional Development for Sustainable Livelihoods’ and intends on, through the vehicle of sport and business, highlighting the importance of a sustainable future for the next generation, through activities and partnerships with sustainable organisations and enterprises.
Instagram: ourislesandoceans
Facebook: Our Isles and Oceans
If your company is interested in becoming a partner or a sponsor of the Clipper Race please email the Partnerships Team to find out more:
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