The sailing over the last 48 hours has been fantastic. We were pushing our Code 3 upwind at an apparent wind angle of 80 degrees to stay in the Gulf Stream (current) which added an extra 2 plus knots to our boat speed. However, mid-morning we had to drop the Code 3 and change to the Yankee 1 as a squall passed overhead, bringing stronger winds, rain, and a much rougher and bigger sea state. This afternoon we rehoisted the Code 3 and now, as I write this the stars are shining, and we are making more progress to the next section of the current.

Last night also marked a huge milestone in this sailing race as we passed over the same longitude as Punta del Este, which officially means the round the worlders and I have circumnavigated for the first time, to Mike's three times! With just under a month until we finish the race back in Portsmouth, the round the worlders celebrated tonight but are focused on completing the full adventure.

The food on this leg has been fantastic so far, from the freshly baked bread to the amazing pasta dishes, to original baked beans that we haven't had for a while, as most people swap them out of the day's menu!

The other day we celebrated Dimitri's birthday onboard with epic shark hats, cake and plenty of singing. Yesterday was Canada Day so for all the Canadians there was plenty of maple syrup on board. Tom baked a delicious strawberry and maple syrup cake, using the freeze-dried strawberries to decorate a maple leaf and Andrew wore his red Canada cap that doesn't come out often. Today it is also Lorenzo and Ronaldo's birthday so we will be celebrating in style later. So happy Birthday to them both!

Lottie, Mike and the crew of PSP Logistics