Race 13 - Day 12
Skipper Report
08 July

Dan Bodey
Dan Bodey
Team Unicef
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It’s got cold, grey and drizzly so we must be getting close to the UK.

It's time for the crew to dig out the thermals and woolly hats. Although we are all hoping that the sun will return as we get closer to land.

As I'm sure has been noticed by everyone, we have made a risky decision to part company with the main pack and go out on a “flyer” heading east, betting that we can get to the finish before the predicted high pressure creates a wind hole off the coast of Ireland. If we don’t make it, we will stop in the wind hole and wait for it to move off while those that have gone north sail over us.

It's going to be touch and go for the next few days as we try and keep the speeds up in the ever lightening winds. We are hoping the high doesn’t speed up too much. Fortunately, we are in Stealth Mode so you can all take time off from checking on us and will have to cope with the suspense of how we are doing.

Dan, Laura and a hopeful UNICEF team