Race 13 - Day 14
Skipper Report
10 July

Dan Bodey
Dan Bodey
Team Unicef
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Flyer Blog #2. The mood onboard is a strong semblance of “only dead fish follow the stream”. We are having a right ball on our own down here. Biggest plus is remaining in marginally warmer temperatures for slightly longer, obviously a pertinent factor in considering our routing choices. Morale is great, it feels like we are on an adventure and certainly has us on the edge of our seats for this final 600 miles. A lot is still on the cards and as usual the unpredictability of the weather carries great risk, but we are enjoying the thrill of it now. The forecast shows some complex synoptic chaos between where we are currently and Oban, so plenty to keep us occupied. It feels SO exciting to be this close to Scotland. It is a place I love, and bagpipes are just brilliant. Everyone is so excited to see their friends and family coming to visit. We will race hard and enjoy the gamble, either way; it's a good story to tell for our final ocean crossing together!

Love to all our Supporters,
Laura, Dan and the team