The Final Blog.

As I type this, we are zooming along downwind with the Code 2 flying enjoying a wonderful sunrise after several days of some lovely British summer weather. (By this I mean an overcast sky with the threat of rain). The sky has cleared for our final day of racing (thank you Simon for organizing the weather). Now that we have rounded the south of Ireland and entered the English Channel the temperature has improved somewhat. Everyone is doing their best this race making sure they get the most out of their lasts, last time helming at night, last time cleaning the heads or cooking for 20 people in a galley tilted at odd angles. For some, the nights are proving a time of reflection, and topics of conversation are turning ever more to the question of what next? Mostly though our thoughts are inside the boat working on how we keep going fast to maintain the gap we managed to eke out in the light winds at the start of the race. Fingers crossed that we can keep the chasing pack behind us for the rest of this race and finally after eleven months, over 45 thousand nautical miles and 14 races, we get first place.

Dan, Laura and an ever-hopeful Team